As 2020 draws to a close, we at Sentinel would like to take a moment to reflect on what has been both an extremely challenging and an immensely rewarding year for our company. While the challenges require no further explanation, the rewards warrant closer inspection…
The way in which our staff pulled together to deliver exceptional (and at times life-altering) solutions for our clients despite the challenges of remote working, homeschooling and myriad other stressors has been truly heartwarming. Our company is only as strong as our people allow it to be – and this year they have proven themselves to be of the very highest calibre.
The ongoing support of our clients has been the other massive positive to come out of 2020. We know just how difficult the year has been for many of you, and it has been our great privilege to craft tailored legacy planning solutions that ensure your family weathers the Covid storm as effectively as possible. We may not be at the frontline of the healthcare crisis, but we are reminded every day of the important role we play in preserving the wealth of our clients and our country.
On that note, the recent positive news about Covid vaccines as well as the suggestion that Treasury may effectively be lifting the offshore cap of 30% for retirement funds has left us all feeling a lot more positive about the year ahead.
All that remains is for us to wish you and your loved ones a restful and recuperative festive break. And to remind you that our offices will be closed from 16 December to 10 January.
After a year like no other, we all deserve the opportunity to truly unwind and recharge. That said, however, you spend the holidays, please do travel and socialize safely.
Take care and see you in January,
Best wishes,
Sentinel Management Team