
Michelle Tickner

HDip Tax Post Grad Dip in International TaxationPost Grad Dip Advanced TaxationProfessional Certificate in Tax Dispute Resolution

Western Cape

Michelle is a Tax Specialist in the Cape Town office. She’s been with Sentinel since 2012.


Michelle has a wealth of experience in individual and local trust tax compliance, the Tax Administration Act, drafting objections and appeals including dispute resolution with SARS, ceasing tax residency, voluntary disclosure programme applications, and cross-border asset planning.

She’s a registered general tax practitioner with SAIT, and has been practicing tax since 1994. Prior to joining Sentinel she worked in KPMG’s tax department.

Michelle has a diploma in international taxation, a post-graduate diploma in advance added tax and dissertation and most recently obtained a Professional Certificate in Tax Dispute Resolution.

Michelle’s commitment to her clients is strongly reflected in the loyalty they show her.

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